19 July 2010

Blog and website linked

It's taken me most of the weekend to sort it out – my CSS skills are a little rusty and I'd never seen the Blogger code before – but I've managed to integrate Blogger and my website... and I'm reasonably pleased with the result. I've published this blog to subdomains of clearly-stated.co.uk instead of leaving it with a blogger url. I played with Blogger to get the general look and feel as I wanted it (as much as I could with my limited knowledge), then changed the CSS of my website to correspond. It's not perfect... and some of the differences are deliberate... but I'm really pleased with the overall result. You can tell that you've left my site (the top bar gives it away!) but you also feel that the elements belong together. Overall, a success. I'm just waiting now for someone with a browser I don't have to tell me it doesn't work on their combination...

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